Can Bob sin? Jealousy, wrath, anger and divine exemption
Bob is perfect and without sin. Everyone knows this. And yet the Book of Bob is chock full of stories of Bob being jealous, angry, wrathful and even a little murdery on occasion. The Book of Bob tells us that jealousy, wrath, anger and murder are sins. This seeming incongruity is seized on by Christians, atheists and other nonbelievers to argue that Bob cannot be divine. If, these heretics say, Bob is divine and without sin, how can she be prone to moments of jealousy or murder, which are sins?
The answer is simple, of course. The rules are made by Bob, for you. Bob is exempt. Bob is by nature perfect and without sin, therefore Bob cannot sin. So if Bob is murdering you, you better believe you deserved it.
Despite the simplicity of this answer, some nonbelievers have hardened their hearts so much that this is difficult for them to understand. They will quote passages of the Book of Bob, such as
The same is true of jealousy and the other sins listed in the Book of Bob.
This is a proscription for us mortals. So when the Book of Bob tells us:
The answer is simple, of course. The rules are made by Bob, for you. Bob is exempt. Bob is by nature perfect and without sin, therefore Bob cannot sin. So if Bob is murdering you, you better believe you deserved it.
Despite the simplicity of this answer, some nonbelievers have hardened their hearts so much that this is difficult for them to understand. They will quote passages of the Book of Bob, such as
And the Lord thy Bob said, Thou shalt not slay thine brother, nor thine sister, neither shalt thou kill thine mother or thine father or thine offspring, nay, not even thine in-laws, not even if they piss you off, for that is bad juju.
Concordia 5:3Then they will recount the story of the Great Tsunami that wiped out all the Earth, and ask "if you can't kill your kids, how could Bob kill all of hers?" The answer is simple. Bob is the Author of all things. Bob is the law giver, and the law maker. The law is just because Bob says it is just. Bob's rules are absolute, and absolutely relative to the situation as Bob needs. Bob is, you might say, a situational moral relativist with an absolute moral code: Bob's rules.
The same is true of jealousy and the other sins listed in the Book of Bob.
Give not thine heart to jealousy, nor thine thoughts to lust. Turn away from anger, and seek not revenge.
Wisdom 3:1
This is a proscription for us mortals. So when the Book of Bob tells us:
And the Lord thy Bob was wroth with the sentient primates, saying unto Moses her prophet, Say to the children of this land, thou hast sinned, thou hast worshipped false gods and created golden idols and whored after shiny baubles. Thou hast made the Lord thy Bob jealous, and now thou wilt surely perish.Bob is not breaking her rules, because Bob sets the rules as needed. Bob is without sin. Sins are not sins when Bob sins.
Tribulations 10:12
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